Mario Draghi's government nixed and resorted to the rules of the Golden Power with respect to the transfer of technologies and computer canons of an Italian robotics company to a Chinese company in the same sector. The agreement between the Chinese company Efort Intelligent Equipment, leader in robotics, and the Italian company Robox, grounded in the fiefdom of Novara, dates back to March this time.
He expects the Chinese to buy a farther 9 of the Piedmontese company, adding up to 49 of the power.
Proscription on technology transfer
On this point of the agreement, for a value of two million euros, at Palazzo Chigi they had nothing to say, but the disquisition that opened a many weeks ago converted Draghi on the occasion to blackball a another part of the agreement, the bone that handed for the transfer of technology and computer canons from the Italian company to the Chinese bone . The Italian company produces electronic factors for the robotics diligence and remote control systems for ministry. The news was released on June 7 by Reuters and the sources that have handed further than one detail are Chinese.
According to the Italian legislation that goes by the name of Golden power, the government can cover public strategic interests in crucial sectorsof our frugality, from banking to energy, from telecommunications to information technology.
The Golden power
The Golden Power legislation provides that the Italian government can blackball an accession, an attempted preemption, an inimical agreement according to public interests.
The Presidency of the Council can stop both an entire sale made by a foreign driver on an Italian company and a part of the investment or agreements, as happed in this case.
Since the legislation that protects companies or technologies that are considered strategic for the country was introduced, in 2012, the powers of the Golden power were exercised seven times. Six times out of seven they've been directed to close the door to Chinese interests directed towards our companies, of these six, five have been carried out by the government of Mario Draghi, which took office on February 13 last time.
Former Info
In March, Mario Draghi's government blocked the trade of Italian drones produced for military use to a Chinese company. In this case, the Prime Minister canceled the trade of the drone company Alpi Aviation to Mars Information Technology, grounded in Hong Kong and linked to accessories from Beijing. The disquisition began in the fall and the decision came on March 10. That is, four days before the long meeting held in Rome between the politic leaders of the USA and China.
On former occasions, the sectors subject to the tried penetration of the People's Republic were food, 5G and semiconductors. It should be noted that the growth of government interventions to stop foreign investment has led numerous companies to notifyat Palazzo Chigi any thesis of agreement, indeed without any reason. In 2019 there were 83, last time 500 Italian companies asked for a" permit" to enter into agreements with foreign companies.