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81 elementi trovati per "司机导渳1"
- 意大利 城市规划 - 历史 part 2
法律167/1962 创新: PEEP Piano di Zona per l'Edilizia Economica e Popolare --> piano attuativo 目的:为中低收入人群建设经济实惠的房产 /1968 实施法令765/1967和1150/1942引入的分区处理 ZONE OMOGENEE 从 A 到 F A区 市中心区:保留含有历史、文化、艺术意义的建筑物; B区 居民区:可盖建面积 1/8 C区 扩张区:现盖建覆盖率低于1/8的区域和为盖建的区域 D区 生产区:工厂、商业、旅游区 E区 农耕区:种地或养殖、特例:切割地区时在两区中间的地皮所有者可要求使用C区包括自己的地皮 F区 公共区 :公元、停车场、医院、警察局 其公用区域在总面积是 18 平米的假设下需要如此分配: 4,50平米 25% 教育 2,00平米 11% 宗教、文化、社会、公益、卫生、行政等 9,00平米 50% 绿化或运动 2,50平米 14% 停车场
Italiana durata almeno due anni o di euro 250.000 in start-up innovativa italiana; c) donazione euro 1.000.000 ITER E POST-VISA 1.
- Legalizzazione
Ecco i passaggi generali coinvolti nel processo di traduzione con legalizzazione: 1.
- Italy introduces new Energy Subsidies
Milan Financial News reported on September 16 that the Italian government increased the amount of subsidies to 14 billion euros in response to the energy crisis. enterprises, and the company’s operating losses are no less than its operating losses from February 1 Third, the Italian government plans to provide a subsidy of 150 euros for those with an annual income Source: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade - 2022-09-19
- New mineral on Moon - China
The mineral, in the form of a single-crystalline particle with a diameter of 10 microns, was manually , but the reserve of this substance on the moon could be at least 1 million tons, experts have suggested Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China's Hainan province and successfully landed on the moon on Dec 1. The landmark mission returned 1,731 grams of lunar rocks and soil back to Earth on Dec 17, 2020, achieving 13 domestic research organizations working on 31 scientific projects.
- Giorgio Morandi's exhibition in Shanghai
collaboration with the Jiushi Art Museum, announce a solo show by Giorgio Morandi, in program from 1 Morandi (1890–1964) was born in Bologna; at 17 he attended the Academy of Fine Arts, where he returned in 1930 as a teacher. In 1929 the artist participated for the first time in the Venice Biennale and in 1948 he was awarded In 1962 Morandi was made an honorary member of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.
- Relations between China and Italy
【Review of Bilateral Political Relations】 On November 30, 1964, China and Italy signed an agreement on On November 6, 1970, the two countries formally established diplomatic relations. import from Italy was 8.8 billion US dollars, a year-on-year decrease of 12.2%. In February 2018, the "Zhangheng-1" electromagnetic monitoring experimental satellite jointly developed Treaty (June 1986) Sino-Italian Treaty on Civil Judicial Assistance (May 1991) Sino-Italian Economic
- 意大利居家房产分布
在意大利最多的是三房一厅,占总市场的37% 其次是二房一厅,约23% 超出三房一厅的有 22% 最后是一房一厅和单间,分别是15% 和3% 数据来源 ISTAT 分析人 DOTT. ALEX Z.
- 意大利国民存款分布
深蓝 49.2% 住家 浅绿 12.8% 存折 红色 6.4% 非住家不动产 浅蓝 9.7% 股票 深绿 3.5% 非金融产品 黄色 18.5% 其他 总的来说 房地产 是意大利人的优先选择 大约60% 的存款财富集中在这个里,根据意大利中央银行统计总金额大约在10.000 MLD 欧元
- 意大利婚姻共同财产制
意大利婚姻法 Legge 151/75 视为共同财产包括: a) 财产:由两个配偶在婚姻期间一起或分别购买的财产,不包括婚前个人财产。 b) 财产收益:每个配偶个人财产的收益,直到共有制解除为止。
- 意大利的婚姻法大纲
以下是一些关于意大利婚姻法的要点: 结婚资格: 结婚的法定年龄是18岁。未成年人可以在满足一些特殊条件的情况下获得结婚许可。 结婚程序: 想要结婚的夫妇必须在当地市政府登记结婚。