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Chinese population in Italy

According to Italy's Social Politics and Labor Ministry, there is 279.728 Chinese residents with regular permit living in Italy. 50.3% of them are women.

the average age of Italian-Chinese people are 32 years old. A good 26.4% of total residents are minors.


0.6% of total Italian-Chinese are option for the Italian citizenship, manly for obtaining business and education equality.

65.3% of total Italian-Chinese are permanent residents, it means they are in Italy for more than 5 years and they are active Italian workforce for at least 2 years. For remaining 34.7% in title of short term resident permit, more than 58.5% are active workforce, 33.2% are family member of previews and a 8.3% are students or other type of permit holders.


Population Distribution by % on total


Source: istat


Chinese population in Italy are amazingly healthy and productive, sustained by a huge chunk of young talents ready to become active workforce and a big majority of population constantly working. With tiny weight of old people on the top. It means the amount of tax contribution are way under the tax consumption for retirement and it will be so for at least other 40 years.


Source: istat

Here below is the local population distribution for further analysis.


Source: istat

Consumption and credit score

Chinese people in Italy kept they saving and investing habits.

On total credit asked by Chinese people are 59% aim to buy house and commercial real estates, 31% for business credit and only 10% are personal credit.

In comparison, general immigrant consumption in Italy have personal spending for 39%, business credit 25% and real estate36%.

Source: National observatory on immigrant financial data ABI and BancoPosta


Chinese people in Italy are 54.1% traders (they buy and sell, import and export and distribute), 33.3% are producers in Italy, 9.5% are service providers. Interesting enough they have 3% on logistic company, the main reason is because Chinese entrepreneur prefer to use vectors who speaks the same language, the natural need of production and distribution make this niche a extraordinary good and protected market.


Source: istat

Chinese Business distribution map

Source: Anpal on Unioncamere-Infocamere data via Area SpINT

Source: "La Cominità Cinese in Itala - Rapporto annuale sulla presenza degli immigrati"

Author: Zhou Huiming - LGS Data Analytics


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